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The quality which is developed from prior generation without leaving the spirit of ANEST IWATA.

The key points in industrial coating products are quality and repeatability. We have always created the ideal spray guns, adapted to divers applications and evolving paints. Now we have developed the new WIDER 1 and WIDER 2 models, which follow the our key point industrial coating that it have been always changed for all times. Even this model bring back the original name “WIDER” which have been founded in 1957 but it’s mean that we respect the spirit of ANEST IWATA and present the quality and repeatability from that time to present day. Therefore, this is the combination of the old spirituality from first generation in 1957 in the name of “WIDER” and the knowledge, experience and technology which is developed from generation to generation. Whether the period that there have changing word from “WIDER” to “W” in mid 90’s until latest developed technology. 

To acknowledge that “ANEST IWATA” always develop and improve technology without stop and ready to encounter the new challenge. You can see more the special feature of WIDER spray gun by clicking at “WIDER FEATURE”

As the WIDER spray gun has 2 types, click at "WIDER1" for data of WIDER1 spray gun for general application. Click at "WIDER2" for data of WIDER2 spray gun for high viscosity paint and large volume of flow rate.

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WIDER1 the compact spray gun for general industry

WIDER1 Pressure Type

WIDER1 Pressure Type

The air spray feeding type that require to connect directly with diaphragm pump, pressure tank or small pressure pot 2L. All feeding unit must have operating pressure range between 0 - 6 bar. It is suitable for small to medium work piece such as automotive part and component, workpiece of general industry, furniture or metal. The spraying project must consume a paint volume in sufficient amount that suitable for applying with feeding unit.

For further information, please click at “WIDER1P TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

WIDER1 Side Cup Gravity Type

WIDER1 Gravity Type

The side cup gravity spray gun use a few amount of paint but can handle the high viscosity paint and large pigment material so the gravity force can support the feeding paint into nozzle. At this capability, this spray gun is suitable for metallic paint. Most of application such as furniture, metal work or production which limit paint applying.

For further information, please click at “WIDER1G TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

WIDER1 Suction Type

WIDER1 Suction Type

The other type of spray gun by feeding paint with suction. The suction cup capacity is available at 1,000 ml and 700 ml. It is applied for normal viscosity paint but the volume of paint is less than direct feeding type. This type can be used when the sprayer stand under workpiece and avoid the vision limit by paint cup and take a few time for refilling. The overall viscosity handle still be lower than WIDER1G

For further information, please click at “WIDER1S TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

WIDER2 Air Spray Gun for Heavy Industry

WIDER2 Pressure Feed Type

WIDER2 Pressure Type

The air spray feeding type that require to connect directly with diaphragm pump, pressure tank or small pressure pot 2L. All feeding unit must have operating pressure range between 0 - 6 bar. This is the largest spray gun which provide the biggest flow rate and use pressure more than normal spray gun. There have only 1.2 mm nozzle that it is suitable for large volume spray paint and avoid the over volume of paint flow.

For further information, please click at “WIDER2P TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

WIDER2 Side Cup Gravity Type

WIDER2 Gravity Type

The side cup gravity spray gun use a few amount of paint but can handle the high viscosity paint and large pigment material so the gravity force can support the feeding paint into nozzle. It can be applied for high viscosity material paint and urethane paint for wood coating and also be applied with adhesive for wood workpiece. The nozzle size is available for 1.5 mm 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm.

For further information, please click at “WIDER2G TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

WIDER2 Suction Type

WIDER2 Suction Type

The other type of spray gun by feeding paint with suction. The suction cup capacity is available at 1,000 ml and 700 ml. It can handle the high viscosity paint nearly similar to WIDER2G but the overall viscosity paint still be lower. As the larger capacity cup, it can reduce the refilling time and can be used from position under workpiece such as bottom point of car. The nozzle is available for 1.5 mm 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm.

For further information, please click at “WIDER2S TECHNICAL” to see the technical rate data.

Related Equipment and Accessories with Wider Series

Feeding unit which is suitable for WIDER Pressure Feed Type

WIDER1 and WIDER2 Pressure feed type require to use with air spray feeding unit which are WAGNER ZIP52 Finishing, Air Pro Pressure Tank and Small Pressure Pot 2L. All of feeding unit must provide the operating pressure range 0 - 6 Bar.

You may click at “DETAILS” for each unit to see more further information.

Diaphragm Pump
Pressure Tank
AT-2P (Pocket Pressure Tank).png
Pressure Pot 2L

Enhancement Accessories with ANEST IWATA Spray Gun

The significant accessories for WIDER spray gun is air pressure gauge AJR-02S. This gauge can determine the quality of paint spraying by controlling the air pressure level to be precisely and keep quality of spraying to be consistent. The viscosity cup support to keep the quality of paint to be consistent for paint spraying. Lastly, the maintenance kit provide the efficiency tools for clean and service the spray gun in order to extent a useful life whether ANEST IWATA Spray gun and other brand of spray gun.

You may click at “DETAILS” of each item for further information.

Air Pressure Gauge
Viscosity Cup
Maintenance Kit

Related Video Presentation of WIDER Series

Presentation Video of WIDER Series:
Please click at video icon for watching video presentation

Video Credit:
ANEST IWATA, Coating Business, Japan

Original Information:
WIDER Series

Operating and Maintenance Video for WIDER Series:
Please click at video icon for watching operating and maintenance process

Video Credit:
ANEST IWATA, Coating Business, Japan

Original Information:
WIDER Series

Contact Info for price inquiry or order

ANEST IWATA WIDER Manual Air Spray Gun

Manual Air Spray Gun WIDER series for industry. There are available for pressure type, gravity type and suction type.

TEL: 02-322-2495
LINE ID: @romcoating

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